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Disaster planning has 'huge weaknesses',

Yukiya Amano, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, also told a 35-nation IAEA board meeting in Vienna today that while the situation at Japan's crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear site remains serious, "We are starting to see some positive developments."
Smoke and steam again rose from damaged reactors today at Japan's quake-hit Fukushima plant.
White steam-like vapour was seen rising from the number two reactor and what looked like white hazy smoke from the number three reactor, where efforts to spray water and restore electricity have temporarily stalled.
Japan has ordered the suspension of shipments of milk and certain vegetables including spinach from regions around the plant after abnormal radiation levels were found in the Mr Amano used the Atomic Energy Agency meeting to answer calls on the establishment of mandatory safety standards at nuclear facilities.
At the moment, such rules are voluntary.
Mr Aamano said "there are some arguments" from board nations in favour - but others were against.
"The views are very different," he said indicating that any reforms will be slow in coming and less than optimally effective because of the need to achieve board consensus.
Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex was crippled 10 days ago by a huge earthquake and massive tsunami, and Amano suggested that one area up for likely review is whether tsunami protection standards need to be strengthened.products.


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