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Kim Kardashian vs. Kate Middleton: Their Pregnancies Compared

Why did not I think of that before? This is obviously the time to compare the weight gain of Kim Kardashian to Kate Middleton. Enjoy life, everyone. Who is to have healthy pregnancy? Hungry, Hungry Hippo Kim or Kate "mommyrexic" Who has the best stomach?
Some say that Kim is healthy pregnant body, because you are all great and sweet like to get during pregnancy, is it not? Others say that this Kate, because weight gain gradually - oh, no, actually, people say, Kate, and of course it is not enough to make die of hunger. What people?

Well, I'm sorry that "mommyrexic" exists. But anyway, I think the idea that Kate put her unborn child for the sake of being thin crazy. I'm sure you have followed closely by the palace doctor and deserves what is appropriate for your body. Where we do not yet know how big it is? It is very cold here in England. It is always covered with a large coat.
Every woman's body is different, and every woman's body handles pregnancy differently. Kate may still be difficult to keep something. Even if she wins the recommended amount of weight, it will not be very different, with an extra 10-15 pounds. And it can only carry small - I certainly remember, yes. My own midwife sent me because my stomach ultrasound does not seem big enough for them.

Kim Thread ... Well, you can claim it uses pregnancy as an excuse to let go. If tabloid reports are true, probably more than she eats fast food is healthy. And I think it will be a challenge to lose weight but I also think that the weight frequently with Kim, because it has a different structure. She was rich, for starters. And I have a lot of friends, just because they were hungry during the entire pregnancy. But again, that's between her and her doctor.

In addition, the range of healthy weight gain during pregnancy (15 to 40 pounds, depending on the weight) is broad enough to include all kinds of ways. There is no body of pregnancy "perfect" - only healthier for you pregnant body.


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