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US President Barack Obama Says it's Not a Bluff on Iran

US President Barack Obama Says it's Not a Bluff on Iran. Barack Obama Says he Means When he Insists that it is Unacceptable that Iran Having a Nuclear weapon. "I do not Deception," Obama said in an Interview published Friday.
In its Broader Statements on the Subject, Barack Obama Told The Atlantic Magazine that Iran and Israel, Both Understand that a "military component" is 1 of a Mix of Options for Dealing with Iran, Along with Sanctions and Diplomacy.
US President Obama is Scheduled to Meet Monday at the White House with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, And try to Convince him to Postpone any Plans his Government may have to Attack Iran's nuclear Facilities in the Coming Months.The president Said he did Not announce U.S. plans for Iran. At the same time, Barack Obama has refused to Renounce the Military Option."I Think the Israeli Government Recognizes that, as President of the United States, I am Not mistaken," he said in the interview. "I also do Not, as a Matter of sound policy, go around Advertising Exactly what Our Intentions. However, (both) governments recognize that when America says it is unacceptable that Iran having a nuclear weapon, we refer what to say. "
President Obama Warned That a Premature strike Could Inadvertently help Iran: "In a Time when there Is no Great sympathy for Iran and its Only real ally (Syria) is on the Ropes, do we want a Distraction in Iran may Soon shown as a Victim? "

He also referred to the economic turmoil in Iran and reiterated that sanctions against the Iranian regime is beginning to bite.
In a series of recent meetings with Israeli leaders, administration officials are believed to have tried to persuade the Jewish state to give sanctions more time to work and stay away from any military attack. Speaking to reporters Thursday, the press secretary Jay Carney White House said Obama believes there is still "time and space" for measures to convince the Iranian regime to take a different course.
The Israeli authorities recognize the pain in Iran, but have publicly expressed doubt that these measures will make the religious leaders of Iran to change course.
Obama was not so sure. "They are sensitive to people's opinions and they are concerned about the isolation we are living," he said in the Atlantic. "They know, for example, that when such sanctions are applied, it becomes a world of hurt on them."
Before his meeting with Netanyahu. Obama is scheduled to speak Sunday at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a group of pro-Israel pressure Netanyahu also addressed.
Although emphasis is presented Obama as one of the best friends of Israel, touting the military and other ties, his relationship with Netanyahu has sometimes been frozen. The two have discussed publicly on Jewish settlements in the West Bank, Netanyahu pushing back on Washington's efforts to advance peace talks with The Palestinians.


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