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Twenty-seven Iraq Police Men Killed In Attack

27 Policemen Were killed When a Gang of Armed Men Wearing military-style Uniforms Carried out a Carefully Planned Early Morning fire fight in Western Iraq,Officials Said.

The Killings Began with The kidnapping of 2 Police Commanders From their Homes in the Western Iraqi city of Haditha, about 2:00 am.

Ended with The Banda raising the Flag of Al Qaeda into a Police Checkpoint in the Latest Bloody strike against Iraqi Security Fforces.

Officials in Haditha, 140 Miles (220 kilometers)Northwest of Baghdad,Described a Systematic Plot to Kill the City Police, The Attackers Are disguised in Military Uniforms and Driving Cars Painted to look like Vehicles From the Ministry of Iraqi Interior.

Both Commanders were Taken from Their homes by Armed men Claiming that they Had orders For his arrest, said Fathi Mohammed, spokesman for the governor of the Iraqi western province of Anbar where Haditha.

The Couple - a captain and a Colonel who served in Swat, the team of the city - took Less than a Quarter mile (400 meters) away and Shot, Haditha, Police Said.

The Banda was false arrest Warrants for 15 police Officers in Haditha. As his Caravan moved Through the city - extending what Haditha Police lieutenant described as 13 Vehicles in length - were Arrested in 2 police Checkpoints.

Came a Fierce gun battles in Each control point, and the Black flag raised banda of Al Qaeda in the Second, the lieutenant said.

The attack lasted about half an hour, in Which 27 Policemen were killed and three wounded.


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