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Emergency CT Scans Are On the Rise

Reports claim that theemergency CT scans for the kids are on the rise. It has now become a case of worry as so many small kids are getting the radiation in their body.
"We found that abdominal CT imaging went from almost never being used in 1995 to being used in 15% to 21% of visits in the last four years of [our] study", Children's Hospital of Cincinnatiresearcher David B. Larson, MD, MBA, says in a news release.
It was reported that from the year 1995 to 2008 the trend to get the CT scan in kids have increased 5 times. It was also found that nearly 90% of the scans are not done by well qualified person of paediatrics.

Larson and his colleagues claimed that the CT scans in case of children needsspecial care. It is well possible that a non-paediatrics person handles the radiation but does not take care of the body size of the patient.
It has been scientifically proved that children are more vulnerable to radiation than normal adults. The organs of children are more sensible to the radiation energy.
There are many instances in which the radiation power is not set according to the body size of the kid. Thus the kids get more radiation than required.


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