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About 300 Taliban fighters on Tuesday overran the tiny capital of a remote and mountainous district in northeast Afghanistan, forcing police to retreat from their small outpost in the area, an official said.
The takeover was another indication of the deteriorating security situation in the north and east of the country, and a sign that the Taliban are preparing for a spring offensive against Afghan security forces and coalition forces.
Nuristan provincial police chief Shamsul Rahman said the insurgents took control of the main village in rugged Waygal district during a pre-dawn raid. He added that police decided to retreat and said they suffered no casualties. By taking its seat, the insurgents essentially took over control of the small district.
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said the district was captured along with 12 police officers and their weaponry. He said the Taliban met little resistance and the rest of the police retreated in the direction of the provincial capital.
Nato said it had no forces at all in the district.
The Taliban and other insurgents groups control large swathes of Nuristan, neighboring Kunar and other northeastern provinces near the Pakistani border. Insurgents retain safe havens in Pakistan’s neighboring lawless tribal regions and infiltrate across the border into Afghanistan to attack Nato troops.
Much of Afghanistan remains insecure and with little freedom of movement for security forces. Heavy fighting is expected to break out during the spring and summer in the south and southwest, where US-led forces have focused their campaign against the insurgency. Although gains have been made in the region, often at great cost for coalition troops, officials warn the gains are reversible.
Rahman said insurgents have had influence over large parts of Nuristan’s remote districts for months. He said police were restricted in their movements and did not have enough heavy weaponry.


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