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PAP introduces first batch of new election candidates

The People's Action Party has introduced its first batch of new candidates for the coming General Election due by February 2012.

At the session, PAP's Second Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean said that in total, the PAP intends to introduce more than 20 new candidates from diverse backgrounds. Most of them are under 40 years old.

The three new candidates introduced on Monday are Mr Desmond Choo, Dr Janil Puthucheary and Mr Ong Ye Kung. 

42-year-old Ong Ye Kung is an assistant secretary-general at NTUC. He is also the chairman of Employment and Employability Institute, executive secretary of National Transport Workers Union and of Singapore Manual Mercantile Workers' Union. 

He oversees workers' upgrading and job placement projects in NTUC, and champions the welfare of workers in the unions under his purview.

Mr Ong was also the former CEO of the Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and was involved in the negotiations of the US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement.

Mr Ong said: "That was very hard work but I keep thinking to myself, we are a little red dot, they are a world superpower, why do they want to negotiate something like that with us? But at the end of the day we managed to seal a deal, a good deal to secure the economic future for Singapore for many years.

"We, as a small dot must always be fighting for international space, even the seemingly impossible, negotiating with a superpower with grit and determination, working together as a team, making sure we are capable, the impossible can be achieved."

Mr Ong is currently working with Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo and his team at the Aljunied GRC, which saw the most-keenly fought battle in the 2006 General Election. 


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