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NATO finally took full command of all Libyan operations on Thursday, but only a minority of the 28 allied nations will conduct the bombings that had been under US leadership until now.

An armada of ships and warplanes from the United States, France, Britain, Canada and other coalition nations came under NATO control after the alliance overcame internal divisions to take over the mission.

"On Thursday morning at 0600 GMT, NATO took sole command of international air operations over Libya," said NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

"In line with the mandate of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, NATO's focus is on protecting civilians and civilian-populated areas against the threat of attack," Rasmussen said.

US, British, French, Canadian, Danish and Belgian fighter jets have conducted air raids against Muammar Gaddafi's ground forces under a UN mandate to use "all necessary measures" to protect civilians.

But key NATO members have voiced unease about the bombing missions.

Turkey, NATO's sole Muslim member, criticised the scope of the coalition strikes that began on March 19 and has made clear its planes would not take part in any air strikes.

Another major NATO member, Germany, refused to vote for the UN Security Council resolution that authorised the use of force and will stay out of the offensive operations.

The Netherlands has contributed planes but they will only participate in a no-fly zone to prevent hostile jets from flying, not the ground strikes.


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